Star Wars
If you're having trouble calming down, try watching the latest Star Wars movie. It's a prequel to the original trilogy, and focuses on the character of Jyn Erso, who has grown up on her own and is now a reluctant member of a ragtag band of rebels. The film stars Liam Neeson and Ewan McGregor. It features some of the greatest moments in the saga, including the epic battle between the Empire and the Resistance on Endor.
While the Star Wars movie franchise has always had a reputation for being overrated, this particular release is not one of them. The films' plot and acting are very strong, but they lack some of the things that have made the franchise so beloved. The underlying themes are interesting, but there are too many subplots to make them work. This movie was also too long and had too many characters. It was also far too long to be a good movie, so if you want to calm down, try to pick one that's not too cliched.
Another film that's perfect for calm-down watching is The Last Jedi. This movie is a divisive and toothless affair, buoyed by a storyline that can be regarded as total happenstance. It also features several new characters that you're unlikely to care about, and a lot of rehashed scenes from previous movies. The movie also tries to use humor to make itself more palatable, but this is an inappropriate attempt at the medium.
Harry Potter
There are many Harry Potter movies to watch to calm down after a long day at work. The first film is the classic first installment in the series. It re-creates every scene from JK Rowling's book. However, the screenplay is very literal and not all the films are exciting. Hagrid is the most memorable character in the series. In addition to Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson, other actors in the series include Helena Bonham Carter and Jim Broadbent.
For the young at heart, Harry's journey to become a wizard is particularly inspiring. He discovers the true meaning of friendship and loyalty. The story of his enchanted education teaches valuable lessons in dealing with prejudice. But it also brought controversy. After the release of the seventh installment, author J.K. Rowling made controversial comments about gender identity, and some of her ardent fans accused her of being transphobic and doubling down on exclusionary feminism. Many Harry Potter fans disagree with her views, but the story remains a compelling read.
While the plot of the Harry Potter films is grounded in the books, there are many deviations from the books. The Death Eaters, in particular, are an unfortunate part of the story. In "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince," they destroy the Weasley family home, and they attack Harry and his friends. Despite all the violence and death in the world, Hogwarts remains relatively safe.
Monty Python
If you're looking for a great movie to unwind with, look no further than the Monty Python movies. The enduringly popular comedy series explores life and the age-old question "what's life all about?" The film features segments dedicated to growth and learning, the miracle of birth, middle age, and autumn years, and finally death. In the film, characters from all these different life stages join together in Pythonian heaven, performing a Vegas-style song and dance routine.
Life of Brian is one of the Monty Python movies that was initially banned, but has since become one of the most popular films of all time. It follows the life of the 13th disciple, Brian, who always arrives five minutes late and misses out on miracles. The film is based on the real-life experiences of Graham Chapman's character, and was set in Roman-occupied Judea, where a guitar player named Brian accidentally kills a Roman soldier while trying to save the city from a rogue cult.
The group's irreverent humor has helped the world laugh for over 50 years. As an ensemble, Monty Python has contributed to many charitable causes. Their most prominent charity was Amnesty International, which benefited greatly from their humour. During the 1970s, the Python team appeared in four major fund-raising shows, including "Monty Python's Flying Circus." The show also became a successful movie, spawning numerous record albums, stage shows, and video releases.
Everybody Wants Some!!
Watching everybody Wants Some! is one of the best ways to calm down after a stressful day. This film is a witty comedy about bro-ing, and the character of Beverly, a sophomore performing arts major, is filled with hope and excitement about life after graduation. The film is an interesting look at dudehood, and it provides an entertaining counterpoint to the toxic masculinity that has plagued the world in recent years. As a result, every character in the film is not a stereotypical "bad guy" - even a jock has a moment of brilliance.
The title of Everybody Wants Some!! is a movie that captures the essence of youthful desire. We all have those unnamed desires, and this film explores the aching need to find the balance between the two. In the end, director Richard Linklater reveals a profound secret about life: you can't have everything, but you can have some of it. Everybody Wants Some is the perfect film for this.
The ribald college comedy Everybody Wants Some! follows a group of college boys who go girl crazy. This film doesn't have the tawdry frat-style comedy vibe of a '70s sex farce, but it still offers nudity and endearing sweetness. The film also depicts a first love, and the awkwardness and confusion that comes with it.
Richard Linklater's Everybody Wants Some!!
Richard Linklater's Everybody Want...Some!! is a film that explores the discontents of men in 1980s Texas. In his 17-year film career, Linklater has concentrated on men and the issues they face. Despite the fact that most of his films feature male characters, he has also made movies with complex female characters. Patricia Arquette and Julie Delpy provide great performances, as do the two leads, whose characters essentially have conflicting goals.
In everybody Wants Some!!, Linklater pays tribute to his baseball days, as he grew up in Houston and played baseball for Ray Knoblauch, the father of future major leaguer Chuck Knoblauch. His speed and ability on the basepath earned him a scholarship to Sam Houston State in Huntsville, where he played for one season. But the film doesn't stop there. It's not just the baseball games that connect the two men - Linklater's film also explores the idea of friendship and loneliness as they form the core of a community.
The film is a bittersweet romp about the perils of single-mindedness. Inquisitive characters can discover new frontiers and others will try to find a way out. Throughout its two-hour duration, Linklater builds a subtle realization about the limits of one's existence. As a result, the film evokes an intensely emotional response.
Ocean's Eleven
This movie is one of the best of all time, and the cockney accent and dazzling heist scenes make it a welcome addition to your movie list. While not a contender for an Oscar, it's a rip-roaring good time for everyone. Whether you're depressed or just want a good laugh, you're sure to find a movie to suit your mood.
This film combines the premise of the 1960 film, featuring an all-star cast, with the technology of 21st Century. Several different casinos are robbed in one night, and Ocean (Clooney) has a diabolical plan to do it all with the help of a dozen men. While the plot is improbable, it's still fun to watch, and the acting is superb. Clooney is solid as Ocean, while Matt Damon is great as the insecure participant. Don Cheadle is hilarious as an explosives expert, and the old con man, Carl Reiner, is good too.
This movie is a classic that never gets old. Starring George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Julia Roberts, Andy Garcia, and Matt Damon, this movie is an action-packed blockbuster. It's based on the classic film "Ocean's Eleven," which starred Frank Sinatra. The story centers on Danny Ocean and his group of thieves, who attempt to steal 160 million dollars from three Las Vegas casinos.
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
If you are looking for a movie to watch to calm down, Ferris Bueller's Day Off is the perfect choice. It is a classic film that makes you laugh while teaching a moral message. In this film, a high school student named Ferris Bueller (played by Will Smith) plays hooky from school and ropes in his neurotic best friend Cameron Frye to help him. The three of them attempt to escape the dreaded bully and have a fun day.
There is one line from the film that has become a cliche in movies. It was originally supposed to say "life is a carousel," but the director, John Hughes, changed it on the day of filming. However, the film is still one of the best movies to watch to calm down, and its themes are easily relatable. Here are some other Ferris Bueller movies to watch to calm down:
Whether you are a John Hughes fan or not, you can't go wrong with Ferris Bueller's Day Off. It is one of the most quotable films ever made, with the most famous line being "Life moves pretty fast." It was even quoted by Lady Barbara Bush at her 1990 commencement address. Its quotability is so widespread that it is now a popular quote in pop culture.
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